27 Feb Make Sharp Corners into Strong Corners
The shape of parts varies widely depending on the application, and often include corners. And while you may think you need to avoid sharp corners to prevent weakness, thermoforming techniques exist to address this concern so your final part turns out perfect.
Since designers often use sharp corners for their aesthetics, several approaches can be employed to make them stronger, including:
- Material: Certain materials like PVC can handle sharper corners than materials like polyethylene and polycarbonate.
- Process: Pressure forming allows you to make tighter corners than vacuum forming, so it tends to be the process of choice for greater definition.
- Chamfers: Using a chamfer can turn a sharp corner into several less-tight corners to prevent material thinning.
- Radii: Another way to avoid a sharp three-sided corner is by using a radius so the material doesn’t have to extend as deeply into the corner.
When designers seek sharp corners, don’t worry. Instead, consider the options thermoforming presents for producing a strong part. Please contact us at our Southern California headquarters today at 714-894-5566 or info@Tru-FormPlastics.com to learn more about our manufacturing solutions and how they can meet your needs.